Monday, June 2, 2014

Hip, Hip, Hooray!

As you can probably tell from the title, we dug, sifted, and registered today. it was exciting and oh, so tiring! I truly believe we will all sleep very well tonight.

The diggers unearthed some incredible pieces of pottery. I don't have a clue what era they are from, or even what they really are, but there were some big pieces that look promising to me. Not being an archaeologist, my instincts are suspect at best. If there is a handle, even a partial one, I get excited.

The sifters had their first big day of work today. They went through 65 bags of muck, mud, rocks, bones (none human), and pottery. I can't put any pictures in my blogs of what we found because there have been issues in the past with people spreading incomplete or erroneous information, even if they didn't mean to.

Then the pottery and bones (along with some rocks) made it to me. I had one helper today, Emily, and we did the final wash and then laid the shards out to dry. The next step will be for the Tsvika and Dan to go through them and decide what they want to send on to the laboratory. Tsvika and I bagged up two "packages" and did all the paperwork needed to document it all. I love what I'm doing!

This is a picture of John after his day sifting. Isn't he handsome? I'm hoping the picture does service to how dirty he was. His face looked like he had mud chicken pox, his blue shirt was soaking wet and spotted with brown, and his very white socks are now a mud brown. Not sure they will ever get clean. Actually, they are staying in an Israeli garbage can - that's why he bought cheap socks to take.

Hopefully, I will have time to get pictures of the sifting operation for tomorrow's blog. I can't get down to the digging - actually, I can get down but couldn't get back up!

I'm going to bed! It was a fun day, but I'm beat. May God bless you richly today!


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